How do you respond in times of uncertainty?

 Come Unto Me

Words, they say, when spoken are as fluid as the Alps, as slippery as deep ocean eels, but, when interpreted by the human mind can be split into different meaning like lights upon a glass prism.

One thing I have found funny and somehow doubt, is the call for safety. I have always heard people say to me, "You can trust me" and I scoff. How easy it is for them to say!

It's not that I entirely doubt that there is truly someone out there whom I can lay my burden on; what I doubt is, will I ever find such person?

Relating it to God now, does He even have my time? It is hard enough that He isn't seen by my physical eyes, how then does He want me to wholeheartedly respond to His clarion call?

Like climbing a mountain whilst blindfolded, taking a deep ocean dive with my legs tied in chains, this is how high the risk is to give all to a God who I cannot see. How silly, yet bold!

It reminds me of an explorer walking into a thick jungle, a spirited archaeologist jumping into an ancient cave; both examples telling of the adventurous nature of man. But hey, this is my life I'm writing about. I can't bank with my life. No! My lifeline is not something to gamble with.

Still, a part of me is like that avid explorer, that bold archaeologist and every other adventurer out there. This has got me thinking what exactly this God has to offer that He calls out for me. How chucklesome that I should walk into the open arms of an unseen Spirit. 

"Come unto me," He said. How bold. How assertive. How securing. Such words sound easy but my mind can't help but think of a thousand possibilities. Nonetheless, amidst the fears, I see a reason to go up to God. To lay down everything bothering me. To take that risk, that dive, to sail on uncharted waters and seek that I may find that which no one has.

So I waited till I heard Him speak again. As expected, He did, saying, "Come Unto Me," and I replied with a newly found faith, "Why not? I might as well explore in safe Hands."

How many of us are really like this lady, scared yet willing to take the risk and follow God wholeheartedly?

Be rest assured; God would not lead you on a journey and leave you halfway. He wouldn't start a thing and not complete it. He is faithful to keep you till the very end.

‭Psalms 138:8 TPT‬

[8] You keep every promise you’ve ever made to me! Since your love for me is constant and endless, I ask you, Lord, to finish every good thing that you’ve begun in me!


Written by: Psalmie


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  1. Thank you for this beautiful piece.
    ‭Psalms 138:8 TPT‬

    [8] You keep every promise you’ve ever made to me! Since your love for me is constant and endless, I ask you, Lord, to finish every good thing that you’ve begun in me! amen

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