A letter to my future self...

 Dear Future Me,

Dear Future Me, 

This is a letter to you from the past. I'm proud of who you have become. Thank you for not giving up on yourself. Though the journey was not easy, it was worth it. I'm glad you survived it all.

I'm glad you could let go of those toxic habits that would have ruined this beautiful future of yours. You were open to receiving new opportunities and your resilient faith has kept you thus far.

You have accomplished a lot but there is yet more. Don't relax, there are souls waiting to be liberated. The world is waiting for you to rise.

The world has a lot to offer you. The good, bad and ugly. You have the power to turn whatever life has to offer you to your best advantage. Your past is telling you right now to never leave any potential untouched. You can do it only if you push harder.

Remember, generations are waiting for you. Creation awaits your manifestation. You cannot give up now. You cannot cave in now. You must keep shining.


Written by: Real Marvel


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